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Structure info for : 1yar

TitleStructure of Archeabacterial 20S proteasome mutant D9S- PA26 complex
PDB code1yar
Species,KingdomThermoplasma acidophilum, A
Trypanosoma brucei, E
Chain HomologsQ, R, O, P, U, V, S, T, Y, Z, W, X, 0, 1
A, B, E, F, C, D, I, J, G, H, M, N, K, L
Structural InterologsZ0, Y1, ST, PW, OX, RU, QV
Hf, Ge, J3, I2, Db, Ca, L5, K4, M6, N7, B9, A8, Fd, Ec
P1, O0, RP, QO, Y0, Z1, RT, QS, VT, US, ZX, YW, VX, UW
VS, UT, PY, OZ, 01, QX, RW
B1, A0, HT, GS, NZ, MY, DP, CO, JV, IU, LX, KW, FR, EQ
Fb, Ea, B7, A6, Ie, Jf, N5, M4, L3, K2, D9, C8, Hd, Gc
FT, ES, LZ, KY, DR, CQ, BP, JX, IW, AO, N1, M0, HV, GU
MethodsXray 1.9
Biological Unit defined byauthor

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