Welcome to SCOTCH

Surface Complementarity Trace in Complex History, SCOTCH, is a robust method to discriminate native protein complex interfaces using evolutionary informations.

You can use this page to score up to 10 structural models of a complex between two proteins provided you have two multiple sequence alignments for each protein, gathering at least 20 species...


1. Upload structural models of the complex (.pdb files)
Select the files wich describe the structural models of the complex between protein A and B that you want to score. Files must be in PDB format.
 File 1 :
 File 2 :
 File 3 :
 File 4 :
 File 5 :
 File 6 :
 File 7 :
 File 8 :
 File 9 :
 File 10 :
2. Upload sequence alignments for proteins A and B
  • Check the correct format for the alignments to be processed
  • Upload either the FASTA files or the .zip file generated from a previous request with the same proteins

 Alignment protein A :
 Alignment protein B :
 .zip file for proteins A and B :