Welcome to RASMOT-3D PRO

RASMOT-3D PRO searches in protein structure files for proteins possessing a group of residues in a topology similar to that adopted by a 3D motif given in input.

If you don't know what is RASMOT-3D PRO or how to use it,
please visit the FAQ and the help page.

NB : Please wait the end of your request to send a new one.
1. Reference motif specification
Upload the PDB file containing the 3D coordinates of the motif you want to search.
Please read important informations, description and example on the help page.

 Motif :

2. Search files
You have two possibilities to search your motif into protein structures : you can upload your own PDB files (up to 10) or you can search into the ncbi non-redundant PDB chain set.

a) Upload your own PDB files
Upload the files which contain the 3D coordinates of the protein structures you want to search into (description and example). 
 File 1 :
 File 2 :
 File 3 :
 File 4 :
 File 5 :
 File 6 :
 File 7 :
 File 8 :
 File 9 :
 File 10 :

b) Search into non-redundant PDB chain set
Choose the list you want to search into. For a description of these lists, see the help page.

List :

3. Proteins selection
Select the types of residues you want to search the motif in. Click here for a description of the different options.
Equivalence :

The delta-dist value correspond to the maximum inter CA and CB atoms distances deviation you allow between the examined set of residues and the reference motif. (see description of the delta-dist criterion on the help page).
delta-dist :

The RMSD value corresponds to the maximum deviation you allow between CA and CB atoms between the examined set of residues and the reference motif. (see description of the RMSD criterion on the help page).

Enter, if needed, the minimal and maximal size of the proteins you want to search into.
Min :
Max :

4. Steric filter (Optional)
Upload the coordinates of the target in PDB format. For a description of the steric filter and example file, see the help.

Target :


Optional : Enter a valid e-mail adress where we can send a link to the results when the run is completed.
E-mail :